Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A humble introduction... the end of last week I had to have a lymph node biopsy done (can you think of a better way to spend a Friday?! I think not.). As a result, this week is full of...welp...a whole lot of nothing. Apparently, most people frown on it if you drive while taking pain medications (crazy law-abiding folk!) so I am stuck at home working on a good case of cabin fever. This blog was likely born of that situation, but I hope it will be of help to someone..anyone.

I grew up loving to cook but years of college and graduate sc
hool seem to dim a passion like that. All it takes is cooking a nice casserole for yourself and then realizing, after 4 days of eating the same thing continuously, that cooking for 1 is a little bit of a challenge sometimes. Well, now I am married (to an incredible, supportive man who works hard for the U.S. Army) and get to cook for two (plus a little puppy that we give in to and let him eat some bits of the meal, too!)

Because I am working on my thesis full-time, I spend my days working out of our home. Working on thesis research for hours on end will drive a girl crazy, so I work in some time to do what I

As additional constraints have been placed on my diet, we've been forced to experiment with new ideas! At first, our meals consisted of ground beef with cheese melted on top and a few veggies. GREAT at first, but I wanted to challenge myself more, and hopefully provide us with a menu with some degree of variety. It's amazing how God prepares you for things far before you realize what He is doing. As I mentioned, I have ALWAYS loved to cook - and though, for a while, I lost sight of that, here He is using that in my life now. He's saying "See! Remember when I said that "I know the plans I have for you..." Amy?!" (Jeremiah 29:11) What a blessing!

All that to say...
This blog will consist of recipes from all over the place - and I'll let you know where I got them. I usually end up taking a recipe, tweaking it, and then crossing my fingers (and toes and eyes and whatever else I can muster up) that it turns out well. EEEK! Sometimes we get an overwhelming "YES" and sometimes you end up hearing a resounding "NO" - such is life.

Thanks so anyone and everyone that stops in here :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy, I just wanted to say hello. I'm also gluten free, and free of lots of other stuff... I love your blog and am looking forward to trying some of your recipes. :) Especially your biscuit recipe! YAY for GF biscuits!!
