Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chebe's Corndogs

Recipe is from Delight Gluten Free magazine

Now, since the main ingredient in Chebe's is manioc (tapioca) flour, I suppose that CORNdog is a bit of a misnomer. Nevertheless...these babies are GREAT.

It has been entirely too long since I've gotten to partake in eating a corndog. Period. A few months after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I did purchase some GF corndogs at a store; however, I think my savings account may still be recovering! :-) Alright...so it isn't THAT bad, but it certainly is nice to be able to make something a bit cheaper (and even more yummy) for yourself.


- 1 pkg. of Chebe's All-purpose Mix
- 2 eggs
- 2 TBL oil/butter/margarine
- 5 TBL milk (plus a little more in case the dough is too dry)
- package of hot dogs (there is enough dough to make 6 so you'll have a couple left to feed the dog)
- wooden skewers


- Preheat oven to 375 degrees
- Prepare the dough as directed on the Chebe's All-purpose Mix package
- Divide the dough into about 6 equal pieces and flatten each out to a thin layer (Instead, I flattened the entire piece of dough out into a thin layer and, using a pizza cutter, cut the dough into 6 pieces)

- Poke a small wooden skewer through each hotdog to hold after the corndogs are cooked (I didn't have these - as you can tell from my lovely pictures- but the corndogs worked just fine as finger foods!)
- Poke a few holes in each hotdog with a fork (I did not do this, and as the hotdogs began to swell as they cooked, the dough was split)
- Wrap the dough around each hotdog (yep...I suppose this would be more like a lil doggie in a blankie!)
- Place the corndogs on a baking dish / cookie sheet and bake until the bread appears done (mine took about 20 minutes)

I served the dogs up with some baked beans and we enjoyed every bite. I would like to point out that I got this response from my husband: "Honey...I just ate 3 1/2 of your corndogs. I usually only eat two real ones....if that! Sounds to me like you did a great job..." (big grin from me!) Plus I know he would have eaten 4 if I hadn't have stolen the other half as I walked his plate of seconds to him!
So...I mentioned earlier that you'd have a couple of hotdogs leftover to feed your own dog. Welp...our poor lil pup has food allergies (like mother like son, huh?). Now when I cook, it never fails that Walle sits at the edge of the carpet next to the kitchen and waits. Waits. And does a little more waiting - just in case I get sloppy and drop something. It's the only shot he's got, folks. So...just like every other night, Walle was sitting at his post. Turns out, there was a mostly deceased cricket nearby. So Walle began his puppy duty of swatting it about and I told him to cut it out (haha!) So...here is Walle doing as a puppy will do....

And...moments later (after being reminded that it'll probably make him sick to eat it)...adamantly insisting that he is NOT playing with the cricket

So...you see why it takes me so long to get things done around here...How can you ignore a face that cute?! It's the little joys in life. I just thought y'all should know what my sidekick was doing as I made this new meal :-)

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