Monday, July 19, 2010

A+ Lasagna

Confession #1: The only reason I am on here blogging is that there is no room left in my stomach. If there were, I would be downing another helping of this lasagna. I only wish I could tell you I'm lying. I'm not.

Confession #2: We'll call this A+ Lasagna because it is a mixture of ingredients my mother (Andrea) suggested and my own (Amy). Clever...I know. *GRIN*

Confession #3: The measurements for all of the seasonings are what I like to call a guesstimate. I tend to just add to taste or until I like the "feel" of it rather than actually measuring. I think I am make it yours!


- 8-10 rice lasagna noodles (whatever kind you find that is GF is just fine. I used DeBoles rice lasagna. Please don't forget to double check the package you buy, but for the rice lasagna, you do not boil prior to putting the noodles in the casserole as you would with normal lasagna).
- 1 lb. lean ground turkey (you could use beef, sausage, or whatever you want)
- 1/2 cup chopped onion
- 2 TBL Italian Seasoning, divided (I use McCormick's Salt Free Italian Seasoning)
- 1 tsp course-ground black pepper
- 1 tsp minced garlic (two cloves)
- 16 oz. mozzarella cheese ( sounds like a lot. That's because it is a lot. I am not a fan of ricotta cheese that you normally find in lasagna, so I just incorporate more mozzarella. Well, that...and I like cheese. I used slices for the bottom layer and then shredded the rest.)
- 1 jar of spaghetti sauce (24 oz) (I used Classico Carmelized Onion and Garlic. Classico sauces are labeled as GF so that is always a plus!)
- 1 (8 oz) can of tomato sauce
- scant TBL of sugar
- dash of garlic salt


- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Brown ground meat with onion, 1 TBL Italian Seasoning, 1 tsp black pepper, and minced garlic.
- While the meat is cooking, combine the spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, 1 TBL Italian Seasoning, scant TBL sugar, and a dash of garlic salt in a pot and heat
- Once meat is cooked, add the meat to the sauce mix
- Remove from heat.
- In a 9x13 baking dish, layer as follows:
- 1/3 meat sauce, noodles, cheese
- REPEAT until ingredients are gone, finishing with cheese on top
- Try to make sure that all areas of exposed noodles are covered with sauce
- Cover the dish with foil and bake for 50 minutes
- Uncover and finish baking for 10 minutes
*NOTE: when you cover the dish with foil, either cover so the foil will not touch the cheese or spray the foil with cooking spray before covering. We don't want to waste cheese by letting it stick to the foil!
Confession # whatever:
I am going to eat more.
And I am DEFINITELY making this again.

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